Robotics Surgery

What Is A Hiatal Hernia?

In a hiatal hernia, parts of or all of the stomach bulges into the chest cavity via the hiatus (an opening in the diaphragm). Though most hiatal hernias are harmless, some hiatal hernias can be dangerous. Sometimes, it can cause constriction around the stomach and cut off blood supply to the stomach. Symptoms of more dangerous hernias include chest pains, trouble swallowing food and liquids, and various digestive issues.

What Is The Treatment?

Patients are recommended to receive hiatal hernia surgery for hernias that present complications. During hiatal surgery, the surgeon makes small incisions into the skin to create room for a laparoscope (a small, fiber-optic instrument attached to a camera). The surgeon inserts this tool into the abdomen and then moves the liver to reveal the stomach, diaphragm, and the hernia. Using these tools, your surgeon pulls the herniated stomach back into place.

What Happens During Hiatal Hernia Surgery?

During hiatal hernia surgery, the stomach and the esophagus are carefully separated from the diaphragm. With the esophagus and stomach detached from the diaphragm, the surgeon then tightens the hiatus, using sutures to bring the loose sides of the hiatus together. Next, the surgeon wraps the upper part of the stomach around the esophagus. The surgeon uses sutures to attach the two sides of the upper stomach to each other, and then sutures the stomach to the esophagus to create a stronghold. Attaching the stomach to the esophagus will reduce the probability of future hiatal herniation.
Hiatal Hernia Surgery

What Are The Advantages Of Using Robotic Technology?

With the help of robotic technology, such as a laparoscopy, surgeons can repair hernias using minimally invasive techniques. Because a laparoscopy does not require large incisions, patients are less likely to get an infection after their hiatal hernia surgery and their recovery time is shortened.
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